Getting Help With Foot Troubles

Getting Help With Foot Troubles

  • Five Signs It's Time to Visit an Ankle Doctor

    Ankle injuries and pain are common issues that are often overlooked until they become severe. Recognizing the signs that indicate the need for professional medical attention can prevent long-term damage and expedite recovery. Persistent Pain If you are experiencing persistent pain in your ankle that doesn't subside with rest or over-the-counter pain medication, it may be time to consult an ankle doctor. Persistent pain can be a sign of underlying issues such as tendonitis, arthritis, or a stress fracture.

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Getting Help With Foot Troubles

A few weeks ago, my wife made me go to the nail salon with her. Instead of sitting around for hours while my wife perused nail decals and polish options, I decided to get a pedicure. It was a really relaxing experience, but I quickly discovered that the process was about more than a foot bath. Before I knew it, someone was cutting and sanding my toenails. Unfortunately, a few days later I developed a massive ingrown toenail infection, which my podiatrist attributed to my visit to the nail salon. I want everyone to know how to properly care for their feet, so I made this website.